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Around the world, businesses, innovators, policymakers, and cities are recognising that our take, make, waste linear economylinear economyAn economy in which finite resources are extracted to make products that are used - generally not to their full potential - and then thrown away ('take-make-waste'). is no longer working for people or the planet. They are embracing the circular economycircular economyA systems solution framework that tackles global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution. It is based on three principles, driven by design: eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials (at their highest value), and regenerate nature. as a way to help build long-term growth and tackle global challenges such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.
The circular economy is a big idea — a systems solutions framework to redesign the global economy by eliminating waste and pollution, circulating products and materials, and regenerating nature — and it’s here to stay.
So whether you are a professional, a student, or simply interested in learning how we can build and scale an economy to create resilience and prosperity for business, the environment, and society, now is the perfect time to get to grips with the concept of the circular economy and what it looks like in practice.
Our new learning course — Circular Economy: The Big Idea — aims to equip you with the skills and knowledge to play your part in the transition to a circular economy.
It is now live on the FutureLearn online learning platform — find out more and access the course here.
Why this course?
Circular Economy: The Big Idea provides a comprehensive overview of the circular economy, in principle and practice, in an easy-to-follow online format
The course is designed and delivered by the Foundation’s expert learning team
It is free and anyone can take part
Learners have the option of paying for a certificate of completion
How does the course work?
The online, self-paced course is split into three modules, designed to be completed over three weeks: the circular economy concept, circular design, and the role of policy
The multi-media format includes videos presented by our learning team, text resources, and examples and case studies demonstrating the circular economy in action
There is a chat function for learners to leave comments and discuss course topics
Throughout November, our learning team will monitor the chat and reply to questions — so don’t miss the chance to quiz our experts!
So get with the programme! Sign up today, get up to speed with the circular economy, and be part of the solution.