Investment in infrastructure: Extension of door-to-door and point-to-point delivery schemes, aiming the universal household selective collection.
Promotion of collection, sorting, reuse and/or recycling schemes (e.g. deposit return schemes): Expansion of VDPs (Voluntary Delivery Points) and Ecological points “Ecopontos”) to increase voluntary delivery of recyclable waste in the city.
Establishment or revision of economic incentives (e.g. subsidies) or disincentives (e.g. taxes, charges): Emergency conditional cash transfer program for formal and informal pickers and picker cooperatives and associations during the Covid-19 pandemic, so workers can stay socially isolated in quarantine.
Delivery of awareness raising and education campaigns:
Maintaining and expanding online material on recycling and recycled
material within the city in real time:
Coordinating and supporting all Education Awareness Campaigns on the issue.
Promotion of collaboration with the private sector, including small and medium-sized enterprises, and civil society organisations: The Municipal Education Department, through its environmental education coordination, in partnership with Global Social Impact and the sustainable startup SO+MA, coordinated a pilot project with the purpose of integrating the school community in favor of the environment. Some of the actions include receiving recyclable materials in schools and, in exchange, the people who took the waste, especially plastic, received gifts. In six weeks, there was an accumulation of 1.03 metric tons of plastic.
Other actions taken: municipal urban cleaning authority
Provision of infrastructure (permits to work within State facilities, funding rent
and other bills, etc.) for the functioning of several certified picker cooperatives.
Providing training and support for pickers’ cooperatives, in efforts coordinated with consulting agencies in the private sector.