Over 1,000 organisations from across the world, including businesses representing 20% of all plastic packaging produced globally and over 50 government signatories, have mobilised behind the Global Commitment’s common vision of a circular economy for plastic, in which it never becomes waste. Signatories set ambitious 2025 targets to help realise that common vision. This sixth annual progress report looks at how the signatories are faring against these targets and key lessons learned along the way.
Global Market Perspective
Global Commitment business signatories, and particularly the top quartile, have outperformed the market across nearly all target areas where comparable data exists, even if not all targets will be met.

Spotlight on impact: Global Commitment Signatories have shown progress is possible
Thanks to their efforts as part of the Global Commitment, business signatories have had substantial, collective material and climate impact, by:

Key Progress Metrics
Metric 1
Metric 2
Metric 3
Metric 4
Metric 5
Decreasing the use of virgin plastic in packaging

What progress are top FMCGs making on plastic packaging?